

We are real estate agents, we find homes for people to spend their lives in. Homes not only to eat and sleep in but to love and cry and rest when you are sick; where you will celebrate victories, hang pictures and burn popcorn. It will be your biggest investment and quite possibly the largest financial commitment of your life. From it, you can earn a decade worth of income. From it, you can also lose all of your savings. Talk about stakes. We will be your discerners; guiding you around pitfalls and unseen traps with an eye that only experience can bestow. We will highlight the obvious as well as the more nuanced investments on the market and ask you to consider only the properties that excite you. We'll get to know you, your style, your taste, and must-haves! We'll start to have an understanding of who you are, what you like, and be ever mindful of the myriad of factors involved in your decision to buy. We take our jobs very seriously. We will always fight for you and are here to serve you whenever you need. We don't disappear on weekends, holidays, or vacations. We work late and start early. Your victories are our victories, your happiness our happiness. Your losses... well we seldom have to worry about that. We're here for you though, at every juncture of this is emotional process. Buying a home is an enormous investment and any misstep can garner some steep consequences. You need an advocate, ab agent, and we'd be honored to be in your corner. We are your real estate agent.

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Our master intuition of the market, expertise in negotiation, and deep roots in every New York borough brings clear, transparent strategies for success to the forefront of global luxury real estate.

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